Friday, March 21, 2008

Looking for Changes in your Life?

Tips from the Ascended Masters for enacting CHANGE, Gracefully and with INTENT:

1) Step out of complacency.

2) Step into Action, in your way, in your time, with grace and gratefulness.

3) List your goals and dreams. The only limits are those you put on yourself.

4) Set the intent clearly. Do a ceremony. Dance, be Joyous!

5) Look for the opportunities that will come (quickly) to you.

6) Act upon the opportunities; Thank the Universe.

7) Share from your heart, the abundance which you have acquired.

I offer gratitude to Spirit and the Councils for giving me counsel.
I listen and accept the teachings.
I gratefully accept the courage, love and wisdom that Spirit offers.
I know and accept the grace that Spirit is in me and with me.
Always shining light, love, joy and abundance into my soul.
Aho. Manin